The Ultimate Guide to Catnip - What is it and how to use it safely
My friend and I were having this conversation about catnip, which is infamous for getting cats a good ‘high’. But is this true?
To give you a background, let me introduce you to my friend first. Let us call him Akash (because that is his name).
My friend happens to be a doting cat parent, and in our conversation about his experience as a cat parent, I became familiar with catnip. 
We discussed several things around this, and today we will talk about it in detail and everything you need to know about it. This piece will serve as a catnip guide, so keep reading till the end.
What is Catnip?
Catnip, scientifically known as Nepeta Cataria, is a herb from the mint family.

Catnip contains an oil called nepetalactone, which is found in the leaves of the catnip plant. When cats smell catnip, this oil can cause behavioural changes in them.

The effects of catnip are similar to feline sex hormones, so cats that enjoy catnip may exhibit behaviours resembling those of a female cat in heat. It's worth noting that both male and female cats can experience these effects.

Some cats may show overt signs of affection, relaxation, and happiness when exposed to catnip. On the other hand, other cats may display more active behaviours, such as playfulness or, in some cases, even aggression. It makes them excited and playful.

Why Do Cats React To It?
As soon as a cat ingests or smells this, it stimulates the receptors in their nose and sends a signal to their brain. Its effect may vary from cat to cat.

Generally, you might observe your cat become more energetic and playful and act somewhat silly. In fact, some cats may roll around, jump or chase imaginary prey.

Is it safe?
Now after knowing about catnip, there is a way to use it and make the most out of it. Below I have mentioned some pointers you can be mindful of to use it safely.

Start small: when you add catnip to your cat's routine, it is best to use it in small amounts. Excessive feeding may reduce its effectiveness over time, and your cat might not be able to enjoy it as much as they should. It is recommended to use it once or twice a week.
Observe how your cat reacts to it: most cats enjoy catnip sessions, but each cat is different, and if you are reading this, I am sure you are reading it for your cat. So, here is my advice during the catnip sessions, observe your cat’s reaction, as many cats become overly excited or aggressive.
Introduce variations: Catnip is readily available in the market in various forms, majorly in the form of dry leaves, sprays, or even catnip-infused toys. Experiment with different types of products and see what works best for your cat.
Use it for training and stress relief: catnip can be instrumental in training and stress relief sessions. With a strategic approach, you can encourage positive behavior and help your cat find comfort in stressful situations.